

Welcome to the ICC Sexual Harassment Resource Team Wiki


Sexual Harassment & Assault Statistics

According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network:


According to the American Association of University Women:

"Nearly two-thirds of students experience some form of sexual harassment during their college education. Sexual harassment is more common on large campuses than smaller ones and more prevalent at four-year colleges than two-year colleges. Sexual harassment is more common at private than public colleges (although public college students are more likely to say it is happening on their campus). Both male and female students can be targets of sexual harassment, although they tend to experience different types of harassment. LGBT students are more likely than their heterosexual peers to experience sexual harassment. Although both male and female students harass, male students are more likely to be named as harassers and to admit to harassing others. Harassers justify their behavior by noting that they thought it was funny or the other person liked it."


SHRT News & Information


In Case of Sexual Assault

What to do if you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted (or suspected) in the past 72 hours

Sexual Assault is a very traumatic experience and it is a crime. Even though you may not be sure whether you are going to prosecute at this time, collecting evidence is critical and is time sensitive. If you are not sure whether you were sexually assaulted or not, we still encourage you to come to a hospital's emergency room for examination. The following points are critical:

How to Report

What to Report


What to do if your assault took place greater than 72 hours ago